5 Best Pressure Cooker In India Aluminum & Stainless प्रेशर कुकर 2022
It is always recommended to go for long-lasting, safe kitchen appliances in which the food cooked is safe and healthy. And nowadays there are a number of best pressure cookers flooded in the online as well as offline shops of India. One of the favorable features of a pressure cooker is that it tends to cook pretty fast and thus turns out to be a fuel-efficient kitchen appliance.
But before that, you can give a look at the features which you want in your pressure cooker so that it becomes easier for you to decide which pressure cooker will assist you in getting your cuisines ready. You can also go to the Best Pressure Cooker in India for a better understanding of different pressure cookers in India.
- The capacity of a Pressure cooker
- 2-3 members: 2-5 liters
- 3-5 members: 3-6 liters
- 4-7 members: 4-8 liters
- Pressure Cooker Material
- Aluminum pressure cooker
- Stainless steel pressure cooker
- Hard anodized pressure cooker.
- Durability
- Induction compatibility
- Compatibility with a dishwasher
- Safety assurance
- Manufacturer and warranty
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I will recommend you to go with Hawkins Stainless Steel Tall Pressure Cooker. Or any high-quality Stainless Steel Pressure cooker for good quality food and better durability of the pressure cooker. You can also check another pressure cooker.
1. Hawkins Stainless Steel Tall Pressure Cooker
Hawkins has always introduced us to innovating kitchen appliances. Its another such innovations Hawkins stainless steel pressure cooker with a body as well as lid built from food-grade superior stainless steel. This cooker will serve you faithfully for many years along with the assurance of a high level of hygiene and durability.
Prestige Deluxe Alpha Outer Lid Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker
Prestige, one of the eminent brands, can be found very easily in every Indian kitchen. It is also standing with its best pressure cookers as well as other kitchen utensils beside Hawkins in India. Prestige Deluxe Alpha Outer Lid Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker mingles today’s style with the alluring and astonishing stainless steel. It also impresses us with its high efficiency and high quality. With a capacity of 3.3 liters, it is perfect to serve a meal to 3 to 4 people.
Pressure cookers are a major part of any Indian household. It is often preferred as a staple in the kitchen and is in every household. It is all down to the multi-utility and abundance of features offered by the pressure cooker. Very easy to use and great results that a pressure cooker won’t deserve mention.
5 Best Pressure Cooker In India Aluminum & Stainless प्रेशर कुकर 2022
A pressure cooker cooks very fast and efficiently and that works in its favor. This is a great fuel-efficient piece as compared to other cooking utensils. Pressure cookers come in different mounds and types.
There are your aluminum ones, which have stood the test of time, then there are the stainless steel types and the modern hard anodized pressure cookers that are making a splash these days.
There’s a lot to consider when buying a pressure cooker, build, type, type, and more. We had discussed the best type of pressure cooker in India earlier as well and it was a very close contest. We are here to take the stainless-steel pressure cookers that are in the Indian market and prepare them for you. Join us as we see the best for you with our in-depth reviews.
But before that, we are here to explain why a stainless steel cooker is something you should go for. Trust me, it has a lot more to offer than other pressure cookers.
Why Use a Stainless Steel Cooker?
As we mentioned above, pressure cookers come in different variants, aluminum ones, stainless steel ones, and hard-anodized ones. Stainless steel pressure cookers have recently started making their mark and have replaced the old aluminum ones.
They are lightweight and equally durable where it easily beats the aluminum ones. When it comes to having non-stick cookware it wins hands down because food doesn’t get stuck in stainless steel pressure cookers, whereas, for aluminum ones, foods often stick to the surface.
Another strange thing about stainless steel cookers is that they don’t form an acidic bond with food that aluminum ones normally do. Meanwhile, hard-anodized stainless steel works the same way. For its pricing, stainless steel is the creme-de-la-top as they are priced at the high end but they also offer high-end features and benefits. Here’s why a stainless steel one should be your prima donna:
- Lightweight
- highly efficient performance
- nonstick cookware
- heavy duty
प्रेशर कुकर किसी भी भारतीय घर का एक प्रमुख हिस्सा हैं। यह अक्सर रसोई में एक स्टेपल पसंद किया जाता है और हर घर में होता है। यह सब बहु-उपयोगिता और प्रेशर कुकर द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली सुविधाओं की प्रचुरता के लिए नीचे है। उपयोग करने में बहुत आसान और ऐसे अच्छे परिणाम, जिन्हें प्रेशर कुकर उल्लेख के योग्य नहीं मिलेगा।
Top 10 Best Stainless Steel Pressure Cookers in India 2022
एक प्रेशर कुकर बहुत तेजी से और कुशलता से पकता है और यही इसके पक्ष में काम करता है। खाना पकाने के अन्य बर्तनों की तुलना में यह एक बेहतरीन ईंधन-कुशल टुकड़ा है। प्रेशर कुकर विभिन्न टीले और प्रकारों में आता है।
आपके एल्यूमीनियम वाले हैं, जो समय की कसौटी पर खरे उतरे हैं, फिर स्टेनलेस स्टील के प्रकार और आधुनिक हार्ड एनोडाइज्ड प्रेशर कुकर हैं जो इन दिनों धूम मचा रहे हैं।
प्रेशर कुकर, बिल्ड, प्रकार, प्रकार, और बहुत कुछ खरीदते समय काफी कुछ होता है। हमने पहले भी भारत में सबसे अच्छे प्रकार के प्रेशर कुकर पर चर्चा की थी और यह काफी करीबी मुकाबला था। हम यहां भारतीय बाजार में आने वाले स्टेनलेस-स्टील के प्रेशर कुकरों को लेते हैं और उन्हें आपके लिए तैयार करते हैं। हमारे साथ जुड़ें क्योंकि हम अपनी गहन समीक्षा के साथ आपके लिए सबसे अच्छा देखते हैं।
लेकिन इससे पहले हम यहां बता रहे हैं कि स्टेनलेस स्टील का कुकर ऐसा क्यों है जिसके लिए आपको जाना चाहिए। मेरा विश्वास करो, इसमें अन्य प्रेशर कुकर की तुलना में काफी कुछ है।
स्टेनलेस स्टील कुकर का उपयोग क्यों करें?
जैसा कि हमने ऊपर बताया प्रेशर कुकर अलग-अलग वैरिएंट में आते हैं, एल्युमीनियम वाले, स्टेनलेस स्टील वाले और हार्ड-एनोडाइज्ड वाले। स्टेनलेस स्टील के प्रेशर कुकर ने हाल ही में अपनी पहचान बनानी शुरू कर दी है और पुराने एल्युमीनियम वाले कुकरों की जगह ले ली है।
वे हल्के और समान रूप से टिकाऊ होते हैं जहां यह एल्यूमीनियम वाले को आसानी से हरा देता है। जब नॉन-स्टिक कुकवेयर होने की बात आती है तो यह हाथ से जीत जाता है क्योंकि भोजन स्टेनलेस स्टील के प्रेशर कुकर में नहीं फंसता है, जबकि एल्यूमीनियम वाले के लिए, खाद्य पदार्थ अक्सर सतह पर चिपक जाते हैं।
स्टेनलेस स्टील के कुकरों के बारे में एक और अजीब बात यह है कि वे भोजन के साथ एक अम्लीय बंधन नहीं बनाते हैं जो एल्यूमीनियम वाले सामान्य रूप से करते हैं। इस बीच हार्ड एनोडाइज्ड स्टेनलेस स्टील वाले के समान ही काम करता है। इसके मूल्य निर्धारण के लिए, स्टेनलेस स्टील क्रेम-डे-ला-टॉप है क्योंकि उनकी कीमत उच्च अंत में होती है लेकिन वे उच्च अंत सुविधाएँ और लाभ भी देते हैं। यहां बताया गया है कि स्टेनलेस स्टील वाले को आपका प्राइम डोना क्यों होना चाहिए:
- लाइटवेट
- अत्यधिक कुशल प्रदर्शन
- नॉन-स्टिक कुकवेयर
- अत्यधिक टिकाऊ
Stainless Steel vs. Aluminum Pressure Cooker: Which is better?
The choice between stainless steel and an aluminum pressure cooker is always tough to make since both of them have their own merit and demerits.
Steel Pressure Cookers
A steel pressure cooker is sturdy and can withstand higher temperatures.
It is a robust body, thus making it more durable and enabling it to withstand rough conditions. In case you end up pouring acid on the stainless steel pressure cooker, it will not be damaged. Increases safety, as the heat conduction is very low, hence the heat distribution from the food doesn’t take place on the entire body of the pressure cooker.
In this way, even on over-heating the food or touching the body of the pressure cooker, there are no chances of the cooker burning you. Easier cleaning and prone to any scratches, the stainless steel pressure cookers maintain their color even after overuse.
Certain downsides of stainless steel include the heavyweight and the low heat conduction of the stainless steel cookers. A bit on the higher side when it comes to cost and expenses, the stainless steel pressure cooker is heavier and sturdy, hence the weight is more for a stainless steel pressure cooker.
The food, when cooked should be immediately taken out of the cooker, else the chances of the food being overcooked increases in a stainless steel pressure cooker.
Aluminum Pressure Cookers
An aluminum pressure cooker has one of the best heat conduction when it comes to cookers. With an excellent finish and exquisite appearance, the aluminum cookers are highly efficient as the fuel consumption is on the lower side.
Easier on the pocket as it is economical in both ways. If you are looking for throwing a party at home or if the family members are more, an aluminum pressure cooker is more ideal, since it has a large volume and large storage capacity for the food. The cooker is not heavy, hence they are easily portable.
You can carry the aluminum cooker with you during your travels. Even with food inside it, the aluminum pressure cookers are easier to carry, compared to the stainless-steel ones.
On the downside, since the aluminum pressure cookers are not robust, their life span is short as they are not durable to rough usage. Instances of the twisting and bending of the pressure cookers were also seen due to heat conduction, thus it may lead to contamination of food. Another issue of heat conduction is the sticking of the cooked food at the bottom of the aluminum pressure cooker.
If you need help in learning how to use a pressure cooker take a look at this video:
Final Verdict
So, the biggest question is which material of pressure cooker must be chosen. As much as the question is pertinent, the answer is evident from your needs. On different occasions, the need will vary as will the choice be. Though we would suggest a hybrid model of both the pressure cookers.
A perfect combination of an aluminum base with a stainless-steel body, the pressure cooker will have a high coefficient of heat conduction and distribution, as well as large volumes of food, can be cooked, without the food sticking to the surface.
1) Hawkins Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker.
2) Prestige Popular Aluminium Pressure Cooker.
3) Hawkins Contura Pressure Cooker.
4) Prestige Deluxe Alpha Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker.
5) Hawkins Classic Pressure Cooker.
6) Butterfly Blue Line Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker.
1) हॉकिन्स स्टेनलेस स्टील प्रेशर कुकर।
2) प्रेस्टीज पॉपुलर एल्युमिनियम प्रेशर कुकर।
3) हॉकिन्स कोंटुरा प्रेशर कुकर।
4) प्रेस्टीज डीलक्स अल्फा स्टेनलेस स्टील प्रेशर कुकर।
5) हॉकिन्स क्लासिक प्रेशर कुकर।
6) बटरफ्लाई ब्लू लाइन स्टेनलेस स्टील प्रेशर कुकर।
1. HAWKINS Stainless Steel CONTURA Pressure Cooker 3 liters

Another one for the kin of Hawkins, this one is another great offering from them. This one marketed as the Contura model comes with a great design aspect and has a unique performance aspect too. It features a high efficient performance with a great heavily built body.
It features food-grade quality and has a base and lid made out of AISI 304 stainless steel which is non-magnetic whilst the external base comes with an AISI 430 grade of magnetic stainless steel. It also has an induction-compatible base and is also gas stove compatible adhering to its multi-usability.
It has a unique body design with rounded sides that make it easy for stirring and other aspects. It also has better visibility of food and the food can also be removed easily with this. It has 5 years of manufacturer’s warranty.
- Unique design
- Heavy build
- AISI mark stainless steel body
- Induction compatible
- 5 years manufacturers’ warranty
2. Prestige Nakshatra Alpha Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker, 3.5 Litres, Silver

Prestige has so many of these ergonomic and high functioning stainless steel cookers that we cannot leave them out of the list. This one next up from them is a uniquely shaped stainless steel pressure cooker marketed as the Nakshatra Alpha, an improved model on the earlier Alpha piece.
It comes with a capacity of 3.5 liters and has a heavy build design for stability and performance. It also has comfortable handles and offers good support while cooking. It comes with food-grade stainless steel and is a uniquely designed alpha piece.
It comes with an induction base like most of the stainless steel pressure cookers of this day and has a silver color to it. It features exceptional construction that is sure to give you joy and durability with its cooking. It has 5 years of the manufacturers’ warranty.
- Uniquely designed Alpha-model
- Heavy body
- Induction base
- Comfortable and sturdy handles
- 5 years manufacturers’ warranty
3. Prestige Clip On Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker with Glass Lid (5 liters, Set of 2, Metallic Silver)
This has to be one of the most unique ones of the lot. A while new modern design clip-on-lid type stainless steel pressure cooker. We all know Prestige is one of the market leaders in the niche and their products are often a notch above the others. This one bears the same mark from the Prestige having been one of the best of the lot.
It comes with a highly durable stainless steel body and features a unique ladle holder for extra convenience. It has an insulated handle that goes on a double screw and operates pretty easily. It also comes with a sturdy build that is sure to last long years.
It has an induction supportive base and also offers gas stove cooking. This utensil can be used for cooking and serving both in the same one and is one of the uniquely designed propositions. It’s a sure multiutility piece. It has 5 years of the manufacturer’s warranty.
- Uniquely designed model
- Heavy body
- Induction base
- Unique ladle holder
- Insulated body
- 5 years manufacturers’ warranty
4. Butterfly Curve Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker, 3 Litre

The Butterfly is another brand that is well known around in the Indian market. They offer kitchen products and compete in the mid-range bracket and are well suited to compete with the likes of bigger names like Hawkins and Prestige too. Their product lineage is quite good and this stainless steel pressure cooker is a testament to it.
It comes with an ergonomic design and has an easy-grip handle that stays cool. It comes with a specially designed lock basis that has uni-directional rotation. It also has a specially designed and formulated food-grade rubber gasket that stays fit for the long haul and supports the precision of gas release. It is designed for pretty fast and easy cooking and comes with an optimum weight-to-body ratio.
It also has a thicker base which comes with rapid cooking and high-pressure feature and also offers peel proof base that is induction compatible. It has a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty.
- Ergonomically designed model
- Optimum body-to-weight ratio
- Induction base
- Supports fast cooking
- 5 years manufacturers’ warranty
5. Pristine Induction Base Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker, 1.5 Liters, 1 Piece, Silver

This time it’s Pristine with its product offering. Much like Butterfly they too have been around for quite a while and have made a mark for themselves. They also are one of the top-grossing companies when it comes to kitchen appliances and is quite trustworthy names. This one from them is a stainless steel pressure cooker with an induction base that allows for great benefit.
This comes with a tri-ply induction base with a sandwich bottom which allows for faster cooking and also stops the food from burning. It also has a long life and is durable, to say the least, due to its goof grade heavy gauge stainless steel that is imported. It comes with safety features like a safety plug, weight valve and further gasket system for better control.
- Ergonomically designed model
- Tri-ply induction bottom with sandwich base
- Supports fast cooking
- Stops food from burning
- Made from heavy gauge stainless steel
6. Pigeon INOX Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker 5 L
Last but not least on our list is the one from Pigeon, one of the other big names in Indian kitchen appliances. This one comes with an ergonomic design and has durable handles that got the length of the distance. This one is made from food-grade stainless steel and is heavy build for a strong and sturdy feature.
It comes with a lead-free valve and has efficient heat distribution for quicker and faster food cooking. It also has an induction base and supports both induction and gas stove cooking. It sports 5 liters of capacity and is suitable for families.
- Beautifully designed model
- Supports induction base
- Faster cooking option
- 5 years manufacturers’ warranty
Stainless steel pressure cookers are aplenty in the Indian market but these top the range when it comes to feature and performance. We hope you find the list useful whilst going for the best stainless steel pressure cooker around.
Which pressure cooker is better Hawkins or prestige?
Both Prestige and Hawkins are leading pressure cooker brands.
…Which Pressure Cooker Is The Best Prestige Or Hawkins?
Prestige | Hawkins Cookers | |
Location | Mumbai, India | Chennai, India |
Size | 1.5L to 8L | 3L to 22L |
Looks | Affordable, distinctive design | Varied, flexible, attractive |
Durability | 2-year standard, 50-year on Royal range | 5-year warranty on all units |
What is the safest pressure cooker?
Secura Stainless Steel 6-in-1 Programmable Electric Pressure Cooker. The Secura 6-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker comes with excellent cooking functions. For example, the time control and automatic temperature system is definitely a plus.
Which type of cooker is best for health?
Output: While an aluminum pressure cooker cooks faster, it is generally accepted that a stainless steel pressure cooker produces higher-quality food. Safety: A stainless steel pressure cooker is heavier than an aluminum pressure cooker, but with care when cooking, anyone can find both of them safe to use.
Which metal pressure cooker is good for your health?
Output: While an aluminum pressure cooker cooks faster, it is generally accepted that a stainless steel pressure cooker produces higher-quality food. Safety: A stainless steel pressure cooker is heavier than an aluminum pressure cooker, but with care when cooking, anyone can find both of them safe to use.
Which cooker is better steel or Aluminium?
Stovetop pressure cookers can be made of either stainless steel or aluminum. … It does, however, tend to be a little more expensive than aluminum cookers and the material isn’t as good of a heat conductor. Aluminum, on the other hand, is an excellent heat conductor. It’s also lightweight and a bit cheaper.
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