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What do you think of the term “main character syndrome”?

What do you think of the term main character syndrome

What do you think of the term “main character syndrome”?

It refers to acting like you’re the “main character” not just of your own life but of the world in general (or at least your immediate surroundings). So treating other people like their needs and concerns don’t really matter compared to your own or acting as though universal rules and norms somehow don’t apply to you.

Everyone is the “main character” in their own lives. “Main Character Syndrome” isn’t about that; it’s referring to people who think they’re the main character in everyone else’s life too (or the main character of the group as a whole).

That kind of thinking leads someone to behave in an offensively narcissistic manner (grandiose, self-important, attention-seeking, presumptuous, overbearing, condescending, imperious, etc.), and other people rightly take offense to that. It’s a funny way of calling you selfish and self-absorbed, or without empathy for others. If it’s happened twice, that’s a pattern, and you may want to start asking yourself some questions about your behavior.

People with main character syndrome tend to be self-centered and self-absorbed, making it difficult to work collaboratively with others. This is what makes it wrong.

If you’re not the main character of your own life, isn’t something wrong?

That’s not what main character syndrome refers to. It refers to an extremely exaggerated sense of self-importance and the fact that other people are basically “supporting characters” with no agency of their own. The world revolves entirely around them and their needs.

The term “main character syndrome” refers to a psychological condition where someone develops an exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement, similar to how a main character in a story might perceive themselves.

Some key characteristics of main character syndrome include:

• Believing you are the center of the world or universe. Thinking that events revolve around you and that everything that happens is somehow about you. Like the world’s events are unfolding just for you to experience them.

• Extreme narcissism and grandiosity. Developing an exaggerated sense of self-worth, talent, importance, and power. Believing you have a unique insight or purpose that makes you superior to others.

• Expecting constant admiration and special treatment. Assuming you deserve extra privileges, favoritism, praise, and perks from those around you simply due to your perceived importance or talents.

• Lack of empathy for others. Struggling to appreciate the perspectives, needs, and hardships of people other than yourself. Only being able to see how events impact you directly.

• Trouble accepting criticism or perceived slights. Harboring resentment towards anyone who fails to recognize your magnificence or talents. Believing any criticism is unjustified or a personal attack.

• Impulsivity and recklessness. Tendency towards risky, unwise, and dangerous behaviors and decisions in a relentless pursuit of excitement, pleasure, or purpose to fuel your sense of self-importance.

• Isolation and lack of close relationships. Having trouble valuing relationships that do not directly serve and praise you? Isolating yourself from people who fail to feed your ego and validation needs.

• Perfectionism and the inability to accept flaws or limits. Needing to see yourself as a “flawless hero” lacking any vulnerability, weakness, or limitation. Unwilling to develop self-awareness about your true faults, talents and potential.

I hope this helps.

What do you think of the term “main character syndrome”?

Main Character Syndrome is thinking that you’re any more important than anyone else on this planet. Your wants, needs, and emotions outweigh everyone else’s wants and needs. Everyone else should step aside to make room for you, because you’re not just the main character of your own life; you’re the main character of the entire world.

It’s drawing attention to yourself in an improper social setting, like filming a tiktok dance in a crowded street or restaurant. Especially with no regard for other people. Basically, it’s just a public nuisance.

You’re the main character in your story, but main character syndrome usually indicates that people feel like you think yours is the only story that’s happening, and it’s likely that you’ve forgotten we’re all villains in someone else’s story.

I’d analyze what situations lead to these accusations, and maybe take a moment to determine if this is meant to be a moment of character development for you, where you recognize that you’re not paying enough attention to how your story is impacting the stories around you.

Generally, there’s a certain nuance to “main character syndrome.”. Think of it like the difference between someone who’s interested in Japanese culture and someone who’s convinced that they understand Japanese culture from anime.

I can’t say I’ve really seen anyone in real life act like this, but the issue with the concept is less about valuing yourself and more about taking the literary phrasing of “I am the main character” to mean that you can or should act explicitly like fictional main characters you have seen. The issue then is the one you’d see from things like glomping: Writing tropes are not substitutes for conversational skills, and visual tropes are not guidelines for social behaviour.

What is Main Character Syndrome, and why does it have a negative connotation?

“Main character syndrome” is a term popularized on TikTok to describe self-centered people. Having main-character energy typically means someone sees others in their life as supporting actors. Experts say main character syndrome is usually a response to feeling out of control in one’s life.

Main Character Syndrome, for the record, isn’t a clinical condition. It’s entirely limited to pop culture. Anyway, a person with Main Character Syndrome is very focused on themselves. They have a disproportionate sense of their own importance and a tendency to ignore, or at least not notice, the troubles and experiences of others. They also tend to believe the feelings and concerns of others aren’t as sophisticated or legitimate as their own.

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People like that tend not to be good company.

How I see the “Main Character Syndrome” (let’s call it MCS for short) is that someone who wants to be the center of attention, a person who solves someone’s or everyone’s issues, never is wrong, and does a lot of cliché type of things. Most of them are considered cringeworthy because they are so shameful, but they do it with a straight back. Very self-centered, basically.

And people don’t like it because they don’t want a single person to be better than them just because they are trying to be the person a show or movie is about.

What is the worst case of “main character syndrome” you’ve ever encountered?

An acquaintance of the family. She had a birth defect in her legs that made walking somewhat difficult. Not impossible at all. It was not something she could do a lot of. She had the ability to walk and climb stairs. I’ve seen her do both. She was awkward at it, but she could do it.

I mention this because, apparently, at a niece’s graduation, she decided that her niece needed to help her to her seat. As in, the niece was supposed to leave the ceremony part way through, come down off the stage in her robes, and escort this woman to her seat before going back.

Well, as you might imagine, the school didn’t seem willing to accommodate this. So other family members offered to help her. But, as it wasn’t the attention-grabbing stunt she wanted, she decided that the best way to punish her family was to seat herself. By flopping down on the floor and moaning and groaning as she crawled on all fours. As I understand it, her family was running along beside her and trying to help her up, but she ignored them. I just did a belly crawl up the stairs and made a big show of it.

Local celebrities are pretty bad. Their spouses and families are even worse. The only time I’ve heard “Do you know who I am?” in the wild was when the wife of the local weatherman was arguing with a clerk at the grocery store.

About a year ago. I was trying to board a flight, and a couple held us up so that the main character could get a series of photos in a series of poses standing at the top of the boarding stairs like some 1960s JetSet starlet in St. Tropez. This was not a first-class transcontinental glamour flight; this was a 4-hour budget Ryanair flight from the Canaries to the UK.

After being forced into the plane by the cabin staff who kept standing in the shot trying to get the plan boarded (Ryanair do not mess around with their fast turnaround) and also by angry people trying to squeeze past boyfriend/cameraman and getting in the shot. She then proceeded to stand in the aisle during the taxi takeoff, just after the safety brief, to get more photos. After threats of returning to the terminal and being put off the flight, she sat down.

Nothing says a classy Instagram model like the Ryanair colour scheme.

Do you agree that a person with main character syndrome could possess strong leadership skills?

Certainly, the concept of “main character syndrome” can be discussed in relation to strong leadership skills, focusing on modern trends in education and industry standards.

Main character syndrome is an informal term often used to describe a person who views themselves as the central figure in their life’s story, exhibiting confidence and a sense of purpose. It’s not recognized as a formal psychological construct, but we can examine how these traits may translate into leadership skills.

1. Confidence and Vision: People with main character syndrome often have a strong sense of self and direction. In leadership, confidence and vision are essential, guiding teams towards shared goals and inspiring trust.

2. Self-awareness and Responsibility: Considering oneself as the main character might lead to heightened self-awareness and a sense of responsibility for one’s actions. Effective leaders need to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and take responsibility for both successes and failures.

3. Empathy and Collaboration Challenges: While the self-focus associated with the main character syndrome might contribute to confidence, it might also lead to challenges in empathy and collaboration. Leaders must be able to understand and connect with others, and an overly self-centred perspective may hinder this ability.

4. Adaptability and Growth Mindset: Modern education and industry standards emphasize adaptability and continuous growth. A person who views themselves as the protagonist in their story might be more inclined to seek personal growth and development, aligning with contemporary leadership paradigms.

However, it’s essential to recognize that main character syndrome, if taken to an extreme, might lead to narcissistic tendencies or an inability to see beyond one’s perspective. Balance is key, and integrating self-assurance with empathy, collaboration, and flexibility creates effective leadership.

In conclusion, a person with traits often associated with main character syndrome could indeed possess strong leadership skills, especially in terms of confidence, vision, and a growth mindset. However, the potential challenges of empathy and collaboration must be acknowledged, and a nuanced approach to leadership that balances self-focus with team orientation aligns best with modern educational and industry standards.

Thank You!

What does it mean to be the “main character” in your life?

For me, being the main character in my life means a few things.

  1. It means that I accept myself and all of my flaws. It can be a little bit scary to live life and learn that you are not perfect. Especially when you are used to holding yourself to that standard all of your life. But when you are not able to accept yourself, it can be so easy to get caught up in going through the motions. Then, when you look up, you realize that you are living an imposter lifestyle. This happened to me with my YouTube channel.
  2. Being the main character means that you are able to acknowledge the fact that, in the past, there was a possibility that you were being a doormat and letting other people walk all over you. This is a common phenomenon for those who are in their prime developmental stages (around age 16–20).
  3. It means that you make a vow to stop going through the motions. Going through the motions is great because you can live comfortably. Until you look around and realize that you have not done anything with your life,! Then, you have to make a change.

I hope you found this helpful!!!

What do you think is the best portrayal of a character with Down syndrome in film or television?

Selecting the “best” portrayal of a character with Down syndrome is subjective and depends on individual preferences and what aspects of representation are prioritized. However, here are some contenders that receive frequent praise for their authenticity and positive impact:


  • The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019): This film features Zack Gottsagen, an actor with Down syndrome, playing the role of Zak, a young man who escapes a care facility to pursue his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. The film beautifully portrays Zak’s determination, compassion, and humor, challenging stereotypes and showcasing his unique personality.
  • Where Hope Grows (2014): Starring David DeSanctis, this film tells the story of a former baseball player who finds purpose and redemption through his relationship with a young man with Down syndrome. The film highlights themes of acceptance, friendship, and the transformative power of human connection.
  • Be Good to Eddie Lee (2010): This short film follows a young boy with Down syndrome who experiences bullying but ultimately overcomes it with kindness and resilience. The film provides a poignant and heartwarming portrayal of the challenges and triumphs faced by individuals with Down syndrome.


  • Love on the Spectrum (2019-present): This reality show follows several autistic and neurodivergent individuals, including some with Down syndrome, as they navigate the world of dating and relationships. The show offers a candid and insightful perspective on their experiences, breaking down barriers and fostering understanding.
  • Atypical (2017–2021): While not specifically focused on Down syndrome, this show features a character with autism and explores the challenges and triumphs faced by his family. The show provides a relatable and nuanced portrayal of disability and neurodiversity.
  • Touched by an Angel (1994–2003): This series featured an angel named Taylor, played by the disabled actor Chris Burke, who had Down syndrome. Taylor was a beloved character who embodied kindness, compassion, and wisdom, challenging societal perceptions of individuals with disabilities.

Additional factors to consider:

  • Casting: Casting actors with Down syndrome to portray characters with Down syndrome adds authenticity and combats ableism.
  • Avoidance of stereotypes: Portrayals should avoid portraying characters with Down syndrome solely as innocent, childlike, or incapable.
  • Depth and complexity: Characters should be given depth and complexity beyond their disability, allowing them to showcase their individual personalities, strengths, and struggles.
  • Impact on representation: The overall impact of the portrayal on raising awareness and promoting positive perceptions of Down syndrome is crucial.

Ultimately, the “best” portrayal is the one that resonates most with you and leaves a lasting positive impact. It’s important to explore diverse representations and engage with the disability community to gain a deeper understanding of their lived experiences.

How do I get rid of main character syndrome?

Realize that other people’s lives are as important to them as yours is to you.
Realize that the earth doesn’t revolve around you. Other people really don’t care about all the gritty details of your life. Don’t take yourself so seriously, it’s NOT all about you. Let other people take the spotlight (and don’t photo bomb them).

Get over yourself.

I figured out that I have “main character syndrome” since I was a child, is that bad?

Well at least you figured it out……..your world may revolve around you—- but the big world does not. So it is now your responsibility to grow further and behave with a higher level of awareness than you had when you thought you were the “main character”

Often neglected children develop a rather narcissistic viewpoint and do not recognize that other people have the same right to exist as they do. Some believe their pain and their feelings should have primacy over other people’s needs.

You are entitled to your feelings and opinions and tastes and there are times when those should prevail. You need to learn WHEN it is necessary and fair to allow other people’s ideas, feelings. plans, etc. to prevail, to coexist, or whatever applies to the situation. Again, it is GOOD you have recognized this about yourself. It is a real INSIGHT. Continue to use your intuition and your brain to grow


I feel main character syndrome is less about how you view yourself and more about how you view other people. We are all naturally going to see ourselves as important for the most part; it’s only when you start thinking of other people as unimportant or as ‘background characters’ that it becomes a problem.

If your world revolves around you, you’ve got main character syndrome. You’re in a line, and it’s moving slowly, so you throw a temper tantrum because you’re going to be late and you have places to be. Your time is more precious than others because you’re the MC. If it’s raining, it’s just to get your recently washed car muddy again because you’re the MC.

You hear news that your BIL, the guy that everyone likes, has a terminal illness, and you glee because he snapped back at you that one time you were giving him shit, so it’s definitely karma, and your curses and prayers have been answered because you’re the MC.

You’re bothered and threatened by black people protesting for social justice because you had a black neighbour once who parked his car in front of your driveway, so that means black people are savages, undeserving of rights, and they’re out to get you because you’re the MC.

When your dog knocks over the lamp, it’s tormenting you, and it’s an ungrateful creature that doesn’t kneel and thank you daily for being the MC. These are all just examples, but you get the jist of it. There’s a difference between having self-importance and experiencing the world through your own lens and seeing the world as ME vs. EVERYONE ELSE.

What do you think of the term “main character syndrome”?

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