Best Desktop Computer In India: डेस्कटॉप कंप्यूटर Buyers Guide 2022
Smartphones are ubiquitous and amazingly capable. Sleek and innovative laptop designs are constantly evolving. So where does that leave the venerable desktop PC?
You’ll find plenty of them for sale, no doubt, and innovation never stops in the desktop computer market. But now more people than ever consider desktop computers an anachronism and are heading straight to the laptop aisle for their next computer purchase.
It is not always the right move. Rumors about the disappearance of the desktop PC have been greatly exaggerated, year after year, for at least a decade. Desktop computers are not facing extinction and are doing anything but standing still.
Consumers and businesses alike should consider buying one, because its perks of yesteryear are still true today: Forty years after they started the personal computing revolution and the Internet age, they are still the most cost-effective, customizable, and easy. to use. -Upgrade any computers you may own.
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What is a desktop computer and how does it work?
These electronic devices are designed for use in a fixed location, such as a desk, table, or any other piece of furniture. While they originally included large towers, their design has been drastically transformed in recent years. In that sense, you can now find much more compact models.
Desktop computers generally require a keyboard, mouse, and monitor that must be connected to the central processing unit (CPU). Today, however, touchscreen and all-in-one models are different alternatives. That is why the concept of the desktop computer must be understood as a reality in constant evolution.
Desktop computers have myriad benefits that other electronic devices don’t. You can compare their pros and cons in the following list:
- They are the most powerful computers available
- You can find a wide variety of models and designs
- These devices are very versatile.
- You can upgrade them to increase their durability.
- They offer better value for money than laptops.
- Working with a larger monitor and keyboard is much more comfortable in the long run
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- You cannot carry them as easily as laptops
- They require a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to function
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Best Desktop Computers Buyer’s Guide
The size of a desktop computer also means that manufacturers can incorporate more powerful components than are normally found in a laptop. That means, if you want, you can get a desktop with a discrete graphics card (rather than one built into the central processor), which is useful if you’re doing very intensive editing, including video editing.
Desktop computers with lots of RAM and a multi-core processor are great for multitasking. If you want to have multiple applications open at once, keep an eye out for 4-, 6- or 8-core processors.
You can of course always build your own desktop PC tower, but while that gives you more flexibility when it comes to power and price (since you get the components yourself), if you don’t have the inclination or the knowledge. To build your own PC, then buying one of the pre-made desktops on this list is the way to go.
Many desktop computer manufacturers offer a variety of customization options anyway, which means you can adjust things like processor power, graphics cards, and storage space at the point of purchase to suit your needs.
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What are the primary uses of desktop computers?
The possibilities they offer are practically unlimited, but it is worth knowing the most common ones: Playing video games: You will need a more or less powerful model, depending on the type of games you want to play. If you want a truly immersive gaming experience, we recommend that you opt for a specialized gaming PC.
Media center or HTPC: These small computers have an elegant design and are mainly intended to play multimedia content, although you can also play video games and perform productivity tasks. Productivity – This includes everything from the most basic office automation tasks to much more demanding applications like graphic design and programming.
Servers: in that case, they will provide services and resources to other computers within an established network. While in theory any type of computer can do this, manufacturers have developed specific models to operate within networks.
Types Of Desktop Computers
आज, बाजार में विभिन्न प्रकार के मॉडलों को छांटना और सबसे अच्छा विकल्प खोजना अपेक्षाकृत चुनौतीपूर्ण हो गया है। हम ऐप्पल कंप्यूटर (मैकोज़) को अन्य पीसी से अलग करके शुरू कर सकते हैं, जो विंडोज या जीएनयू / लिनक्स-आधारित ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम चलाते हैं।
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इसका मुख्य उपयोग डेस्कटॉप कंप्यूटर को व्यवस्थित करने का एक और तरीका है। हमें पीसी के होम थिएटर, गेमिंग कंप्यूटर, वर्कस्टेशन और सर्वर आदि मिलेंगे। उनका आकार या संरचना एक और पहलू है जो उन्हें अलग कर सकता है। उस अर्थ में, हमारे पास टावर्स, इंटरमीडिएट टावर्स, मिनी पीसी, ऑल-इन-वन और बेयरबोन कंप्यूटर हैं। टचस्क्रीन मॉडल का जिक्र नहीं!

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Benefits Of A Desktop Computer
डेस्कटॉप ब्लॉक पर बड़े बच्चे हैं। पारंपरिक टावर केस, मिनी-टॉवर और हॉरिजॉन्टल ‘फॉर्म फैक्टर’ मॉडल आसानी से सुलभ इंटीरियर के साथ एक विशाल केस पेश करते हैं। (फॉर्म फैक्टर मदरबोर्ड के विनिर्देशन को संदर्भित करता है, जो केस के आकार को प्रभावित करता है।)
यहां तक कि अपेक्षाकृत कॉम्पैक्ट ऑल-इन-वन मॉडल ज्यादातर बड़े आकार, पूर्ण-शक्ति घटकों और एक बड़ी स्क्रीन की पेशकश करते हैं, हालांकि अतिरिक्त आंतरिक स्थान के बिना। हालांकि, ध्यान दें कि पतले और स्लिमर लुक की खोज में कुछ मॉडलों में लैपटॉप-शैली के घटक शामिल हो सकते हैं जैसे ऑनबोर्ड ग्राफिक्स (एक समर्पित ग्राफिक्स कार्ड के बजाय मदरबोर्ड पर) और यहां तक कि 2.5 इंच की हार्ड ड्राइव (मानक 3.5 के बजाय) -इंच ड्राइव) या सिर्फ सॉलिड-स्टेट ड्राइव (SSD) हो।
Should I buy a desktop computer instead of a laptop?
Desktops and laptops definitely have their relative merits and the main difference comes down to portability. But if you use your computer heavily at home, here are some of the advantages of buying a desktop computer:
Power: The best desktops are more powerful than your typical laptop.
Affordability: The best desktops offer more value for the money.
Upgradability: Many of the best desktop computers are more easily repaired or upgraded.
Flexibility: The best desktops allow you to choose your own monitor, speakers, keyboard, and mouse.
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Which brand is best for desktop?
Top 7 Desktop Brands 2022 and Verdicts:
- Dell – Best Over All.
- HP – Stylish Design and Smart Performance.
- Apple – Best Performance but Costly.
- Lenovo – Has Become Household Name.
- Asus – Powerful Performer with Reasonable Price.
- Acer – A Reliable Name for Budget Buyers.
- CyberPowerPC – For Powerful Gaming Desktop Lovers.
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Is Dell or HP better?
The processors of Dell are more fast and reliable than HP as well as with better specification. Mostly, the Processor offered in dell is of Intel. Besides, there can be a difference of Core which is provided generation wise with laptops.
Are desktop computers obsolete?
No, desktop computers are not becoming obsolete. Sure, laptops will get faster and faster, but there will always be a need for more power. … Desktop computers can offer greater performance than laptop computers.
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