Best toothpaste in India Strong gums healthy बेस्ट टूथपेस्ट इन इंडिया 2022
एक अच्छी मुस्कान के लिए जरूरी है, अच्छे दांतों का होना। अब दांतों को स्वस्थ रखना है, तो ब्रश करना भी जरूरी है। ऐसे में जब भी बात बच्चों के दांतों की हो, तो यह छोटा-सा काम एक बड़े पहाड़ जैसा लगता है। वहीं, इस बात का भी डर बना रहता है कि कहीं गलत टूथपेस्ट का चुनाव उनके दांतों और कोमल मसूड़ों को नुकसान न पहुंचा दे। ऐसे में जरूरी है बच्चों के लिए खासतौर पर बने टूथपेस्ट की, जो उनके दांतों को बिना किसी परेशानी से साफ कर सकें। मॉमजंक्शन के इस लेख में हम आपको बेस्ट बेबी टूथपेस्ट के कुछ नाम बताने जा रहे हैं। इनमें से किसी एक का चुनाव कर आप अपने बच्चे के नाजुक दांतों का खास ख्याल रख पाएंगे।
बेबी टूथपेस्ट में शामिल 10 चुनिंदा नामों की एक लिस्ट हम आपको नीचे देने जा रहे हैं। इन नामों के साथ हम इनसे जुड़े गुण और अवगुणों के बारे में भी बात करेंगे, ताकि उनकी सहायता से आप खुद यह तय कर पाएं कि इनमें से बच्चों के लिए बेस्ट टूथपेस्ट कौन सा है।
मौखिक स्वच्छता हमारे समग्र स्वास्थ्य का एक अभिन्न अंग है। मजबूत दांतों और मसूड़ों के लिए विशेषज्ञ दिन में कम से कम दो बार ब्रश करने की सलाह देते हैं।
8 Best toothpaste in India Strong gums healthy बेस्ट टूथपेस्ट इन इंडिया 2022
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लेकिन आप किस टूथपेस्ट से अपने दाँत ब्रश कर रहे हैं? क्या आप कोलगेट का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं? टूथपेस्ट का सही इस्तेमाल करना बहुत जरूरी है।
अब बात यह है कि बाजार में टूथपेस्ट की संख्या काफी है। हर दूसरे महीने एक नया टूथपेस्ट लॉन्च किया जाता है। हम कैसे तय करते हैं कि कौन सा टूथपेस्ट खरीदना है? खैर, मैं इसमें आपकी मदद कर सकता हूं।
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इस वीडियो के लिए, मैंने भारतीयों द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले 8 सबसे लोकप्रिय टूथपेस्ट खरीदे। मैं जल्दी से उनमें से प्रत्येक का विश्लेषण करूंगा और इस वीडियो के अंत तक, आपको पता चल जाएगा कि क्या आपको अपने वर्तमान टूथपेस्ट का उपयोग जारी रखना चाहिए या यह बदलाव का समय है।
हम सभी एक प्रभावशाली व्यक्तित्व की कामना करते हैं, और एक मनभावन उपस्थिति के लिए आवश्यक है आपकी मुस्कान। उचित मौखिक देखभाल के बिना एक आकर्षक मुस्कान प्राप्त नहीं की जा सकती है। दांतों की साफ-सफाई सबसे अहम है, हालांकि हममें से ज्यादातर लोग अपने गोरों के लिए सही और सबसे अच्छा टूथपेस्ट चुनने में बहुत कम या बिल्कुल समय नहीं लगाते हैं। लेकिन टूथपेस्ट सिर्फ एक जरूरी बाथरूम से ज्यादा है; यह आपकी ओरल हाइजीन रूटीन का सबसे मूल्यवान हिस्सा है।
10,000 करोड़ रु. का टूथपेस्ट बाजार विभिन्न ब्रांडों के टूथपेस्ट से भरा पड़ा है, जो आपको कैविटी मुक्त दांत और स्वस्थ मसूड़े देने का दावा करते हैं. लेकिन दांतों के लिए कौन सा टूथपेस्ट सबसे अच्छा है? आइए हम आपको भारत के सर्वश्रेष्ठ टूथपेस्ट ब्रांडों के बारे में बताते हैं जिससे आपको आसानी और आत्मविश्वास के साथ अपना टूथपेस्ट चुनने में मदद मिलेगी। आखिरकार, यह सब एक मुस्कान के साथ शुरू होता है।
Lets have a look at Top 10 best toothpaste brands in India
भारत में टूथपेस्ट उद्योग में 1975 के बाद तेजी आई जब कोलगेट और हिंदुस्तान यूनिलीवर के क्लोज-अप प्रमुख खिलाड़ी थे। उद्योग हर साल बढ़ रहा है, और कई नए खिलाड़ी बाजार में प्रवेश करते रहते हैं। मौखिक स्वच्छता उद्योग ने स्थानीय रूप से बनाए गए पाउडर और प्राकृतिक जड़ी-बूटियों को पीछे छोड़ दिया जो पहले दांतों को साफ करने के लिए उपयोग किए जाते थे। आइए हम आपको भारत के शीर्ष 10 टूथपेस्ट ब्रांडों के बारे में बताते हैं।
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Buying Guide Top 5 Toothpaste Brands In Terms of Market Share
With new entrants like Patanjali’s Dant Kanti starting a herbal revolution in the market, big players like Colgate and HUL have also started churning out ayurvedic variants. With indigenous brands such as Colgate’s Cibaca Vedshakti, and HUL’s Ayush, the companies are making a move towards capturing the rural market. As of now, oral care accounts for 16% of the FMCG market in India. Companies with the biggest share of the pie are:
- Colgate (53%)
- Hindustan Unilever Limited (17%)
- Dabur (11%)
- Patanjali (11%)
- GSK (3%)
How to choose the best toothpaste?
The list of toothpaste brands in India is quite exhaustive and choosing the one that suits you the most can be a daunting task. To choose your toothpaste wisely, you need first to ensure that the toothpaste you choose cleans your teeth, fights plaque and prevents cavities.
You may also want to consider oral issues like sensitivity, cavities, bad breath, tooth decay, tartar, and yellow teeth into consideration when choosing the best toothpaste.
Taste can also be an essential factor when you decide and zero out on a toothpaste.
Lastly, some of us are keen only to use herbal or natural toothpaste to clean our teeth and fight oral problems. Some of us want more than just regular clean teeth – we want our teeth to gleam white and bright when we talk and smile.
With all these considerations in mind, it can be overwhelming to choose toothpaste for yourself. But not anymore. We have carefully picked up top 10 kinds of toothpaste in India based on various parameters. It will help you decide on the best toothpaste for you quickly.
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No matter what toothpaste you choose from the list of top 10 kinds of toothpaste in India, the bottom line is that it should keep your teeth and gums healthy. It should fight plaque and other oral problems and leave you feeling fresh and energetic. Specific dental conditions can also be dealt with effectively by using particular dental creams. Maintain good oral hygiene to have an infectious, beautiful smile and fresh breath.
Let us take you through the top 10 toothpaste brands in India.
- Colgate toothpaste. For many of us, Colgate is a synonym for toothpaste. …
- Close-up. …
- Pepsodent. …
- Sensodyne. …
- Oral-B. …
- Meswak. …
- Patanjali Dant Kanti. …
- Vicco Vajradanti Ayurvedic Toothpaste.
Stressed over the oral strength of your family? Would you like to guarantee that you manage the cost of the best toothpaste for youngsters, seniors and other relatives? You can helpfully peruse a scope of kinds of toothpaste on or Flipkart and purchase the best arrangements.
Top Popular Toothpaste Brands In India 2022- Marketing
There are many types of toothpaste including SLS-free toothpaste, sans fluoride common tubes of toothpaste, liquor-free toothpaste and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. What’s better you can shop online for the best toothpaste from the accommodation of your home or office. Try not to stress over the cost, as Amazon India guarantees to give you the most recent variety of brands and items in different value ranges.
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Investigate a scope of most recent oral cleanliness items and toothpaste at the best accessible costs on the web and check these RevExpo’s buyers guide to choose the best toothpaste. You can pay for your choice of toothpaste, whenever it is conveyed at your doorstep. Enjoy great oral cleanliness propensities to ensure the wellbeing of your teeth and game a solid grin.
Here are the 10 best and popular toothpaste brands in India.
1. Colgate
Colgate is India’s most popular and relied on product that is also recommended by dentists the most! It deep cleans the teeth, gums and gets you fresher and healthier breath
2. Pepsodent

Another popular brand of toothpaste in India is Pepsodent owned again by Unilever. The toothpaste uses herbal ingredients inactive triclosan, zinc and micro granule formula giving you fresher breath and germ-free teeth and strong gums. It also has anti-bacterial properties that help protect teeth from germs and cavities and anti-plaque properties prevent the buildup of yellowish coating on the teeth. Pepsodent toothpaste is designed to prevent gum diseases and strengthens the tooth enamel.
Various variants of Pepsodent toothpaste include Expert Protection, Cavity Protection, Enamel Safe Whitening, Center Fresh, Germicheck with cloves and salt. You can get a 150 gm tube of Pepsodent toothpaste for just Rs. 94.
3. Sensodyne
For people with the issue of tooth sensitivity, Sensodyne toothpaste is the best sensitive toothpaste that can help tackle the problem effectively. Sensodyne is also the most preferred toothpaste for sensitive teeth and is clinically recommended by many dentists in India. A registered trademark of GlaxoSmithKline, Sensodyne has been in India since 1961 and is extensively preferred by people who have sensitive teeth. Many people feel that sensitivity gets reduced from first use itself. Thanks to its effective formulation of bioglass known as Novamin that is known to reduce sensitivity in teeth when they come in contact with sweet, cold, acidic and hot foods.
Sensodyne offers three variants for people with sensitive teeth – repair and protect, fresh gel and rapid relief. Sensodyne has been proven to be the best sensitive toothpaste and is economically affordable. You can get a 70 gm pack for Rs. 99, though you can get it cheaper online.
4. Oral-B
The international brand Oral-B is one of India’s premium dental health care brand. It has many dental care products, but their primary expertise is in designing toothbrushes. The toothpaste contains a patented complex formulation of Stannous Flouride Complex that is known to prevent tooth decay and cavities, make teeth stronger and prevents enamel erosion. Oral-B Pro-Expert toothpaste, when used in conjugation with Oral-B toothbrush and mouthwash, can help you fight all your dental woes.
Oral-B does have a few variants like Extra White, Pro Expert Deep Clean, Gum and Enamel repair and the like. You can also get some variants for children. Priced at Rs. 160 for a 75 gm tube, it is the choice of many affluent Indians.
5. Meswak

If you are looking for the best natural toothpaste for sensitive teeth, then your search ends with Meswak toothpaste. Meswak is manufactured by Dabur that has a strong foothold in Ayurvedic and natural products. The main ingredient of Meswak toothpaste is miswak (Salvadora persica) or the toothbrush tree. Other ingredients of Meswak toothpaste include fluoride, chlorides, flavenoids, silica and Vitamin C that are known to work together for optimum dental health.
Meswak does not market itself as a whitening toothpaste. However, if you are looking for a toothpaste that is natural and helps your teeth become stronger and provide relief from sensitivity, gum problems, plaque, tooth decay, and cavities, then Meswak is for you. Being herbal, its taste is quite different than other toothpaste, so you may like it or not like it based on your personal preferences. It is economically priced at Rs. 96 for a 200 gm tube. Many consumers feel they get the benefit of an excellent natural toothpaste at a high price with Meswak.
6. Patanjali Dant Kanti
Baba Ramdev backed Patanjali has taken Indian Ayurveda to another extent, and Patanjali’s Dant Kanti range of toothpaste proves the same. The only toothpaste brand to challenge Colgate’s monopoly in the toothpaste industry, Dant Kanti comes in many variants like advanced dental care, aloe vera toothpaste, medicated oral gel and Dant Kanti Junior. Dant Kanti is prepared by using herbal ingredients and easily qualifies as one of the local Indian toothpaste to fight dental problems such as tooth decay, yellow teeth, cavities, painful, swollen and bleeding gums, and bad breath.
Most people who give Dant Kanti toothpaste review say that the paste has a strong, refreshing taste that indicates the dominance of herbal ingredients. A 100 gm tube of Patanjali’s Dant Kanti toothpaste will cost you Rs. 90 at MRP.
7. Vicco Vajradanti Ayurvedic Toothpaste

Vicco commercial has been around for ages, and it is unlikely that you haven’t hummed the jingle. Vicco markets its toothpaste as an “Ayurvedic medicine for gums and teeth,” and has turmeric as its main ingredient. We all know turmeric has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. The other ingredients of Vicco Vajradanti toothpaste make it an excellent choice for people looking for best natural toothpaste.
This unique Ayurvedic formula offers excellent benefits for your teeth and gums making them strong, plaque resistant and fighting the bacteria and germs that cause cavities and bad breath. Vicco is particularly beneficial for people suffering from swollen gums and toothache. A tube of Vicco Vajrandanti 150 gram toothpaste costs Rs. 90 approximately.
8. Dabur Red Toothpaste

Dabur Red has been the preferred brand for oral care regime for millions of Indians. A powerful Ayurvedic composition of cloves, mint, tomar and ten other herbal ingredients, Dabur Red, is a completely natural toothpaste. It helps to keep all your dental woes away, giving you shinier, stronger teeth and healthy gums. Being a herbal toothpaste, it offers all the protection from bacteria and plaque in a natural, chemical-free way. For this reason, Dabur Red has been one of the top toothpaste in India.
Though the herbal formulation also comes in a powder (Ranjan) form, yet using the red toothpaste is recommended. A 200 gm pack will cost you around Rs. 95.
मामाअर्थ 100% नेचुरल बेरी ब्लास्ट किड टूथपेस्
कंपनी ने अपने इस टूथपेस्ट को खासतौर पर 12 माह से बड़े बच्चों के लिए तैयार किया है। इसका जेली की तरह दिखने वाला टेक्सचर बच्चों को आकर्षित कर सकता है। साथ ही सुरक्षात्मक तरीके से बच्चों के दांतों की सफाई भी कर सकता है। खास यह है कि इसमें किसी तरह के हानिकारक रसायन का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया गया है। ऐसे में अगर बच्चा इस पेस्ट को निगल भी जाता है, तो बच्चे को किसी तरह की कोई समस्या नहीं होगी।
गुण :
- एसएलएस (सोडियम लारेल सल्फेट) और फ्लोराइड जैसे रसायनों से मुक्त है।
- दांतों पर जमे प्लाक और गंदगी को अच्छे से साफ कर सकता है।
- मसूड़े पर हुए छाले या घाव को ठीक करने में सहायक है।
- मुंह में होने वाले बैक्टीरियल प्रभाव को कम कर सकता है।
- टेस्टी स्ट्राबेरी का स्वाद शामिल है, जो बच्चों को आकर्षित कर सकता है।
अवगुण :
- कोई ज्ञात अवगुण मौजूद नही हैं।
Which brand is the best toothpaste? The Top Toothpaste
- Colgate Total. …
- Crest Pro-Health. …
- Sensodyne ProNamel Gentle Whitening Toothpaste. …
- Arm and Hammer Dental Care Advance Cleaning Mint Toothpaste w/Baking Soda. …
- Tom’s of Maine Natural Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste. …
- Crest Tartar Protection. …
- Tom’s of Maine Simply White Clean Mint Toothpaste.
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What toothpaste do dentists really recommend?
In general terms, dentists recommend fluoride toothpaste for adults, as fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay. For young children, who are prone to swallowing toothpaste, brushing haphazardly, and disliking strong, burning, mint flavors, there are specifically formulated children’s toothpaste.
Which is the best fluoride toothpaste in India?
- Colgate Herbal Fluoride Toothpaste. …
- Sensodyne Fluoride Toothpaste. …
- Oral B Pro-Expert Protection Mint Toothpaste. …
- Pepsodent Complete Care Anti-Cavity Fluoride Toothpaste. …
- CloSYS Fluoride Toothpaste, Gentle Mint. …
- Colgate Cavity Protection Fluoride Toothpaste. …
- Crest Fluoride 3D Mint Whitening Toothpaste.
Which is the cheapest toothpaste in India? Toothpaste
- Colgate Strong Teeth Toothpaste. 500 g, Pack of 3. 3×166.67 g. ₹184. ₹217. 15% off. Or Pay. ₹161 + …
- PATANJALI Dant Kanti Natural Toothpaste. 200 g. 200 g. ₹84. ₹85. 1% off. 200 g. 200 g. …
- Dabur Red Toothpaste. 450 g, Pack of 3. 3×150 g. ₹212. ₹231. 8% off. 3×150 g. 3×150 g. …
- Closeup Ever Fresh Toothpaste. 150 g. 150 g. ₹76. ₹85. 10% off. 150 g. 150 g.
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