Best Exercise Cycle Home indoor cardio in India एक्सरसाइज़ साइकिल 2022
Staying healthy and maintaining an active lifestyle has taken center stage in the last few years. For fitness enthusiasts who want to indulge in some cardio at home, an exercise cycle is a safe bet. From burning calories to toning the lower part of your body to building endurance – an exercise cycle also known as an indoor air bike is perfect as it lets you workout at your convenience and as per your time and schedule.
For home use, an exercise cycle with a comfortable cushioned seat, smooth paddling mechanism, and features based on usages such as coaching programs, manual or auto adjustments, handle movements, and an LCD display for vital stats tracking can be taken into consideration. We’ve listed exercise cycles that are suited for regular usage and are perfect for any fitness enthusiast who loves to pedal and burn those extra calories.
स्वस्थ रहना और सक्रिय जीवन शैली को बनाए रखना पिछले कुछ वर्षों में केंद्र में रहा है। फिटनेस के प्रति उत्साही जो घर पर कुछ कार्डियो करना चाहते हैं, उनके लिए व्यायाम चक्र एक सुरक्षित शर्त है। कैलोरी बर्न करने से लेकर आपके शरीर के निचले हिस्से को टोनिंग करने से लेकर धीरज बनाने तक – एक व्यायाम चक्र जिसे इनडोर एयर बाइक के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, एकदम सही है क्योंकि यह आपको आपकी सुविधा और आपके समय और समय के अनुसार कसरत करने देता है।
Best Exercise Cycle Home indoor cardio in India एक्सरसाइज़ साइकिल 2022
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घरेलू उपयोग के लिए, एक आरामदायक कुशन वाली सीट के साथ एक व्यायाम चक्र, चिकनी पैडलिंग तंत्र, और उपयोग के आधार पर सुविधाओं जैसे कि कोचिंग प्रोग्राम, मैनुअल या ऑटो समायोजन, हैंडल मूवमेंट, और महत्वपूर्ण आँकड़ों पर नज़र रखने के लिए एलसीडी डिस्प्ले को ध्यान में रखा जा सकता है। हमने ऐसे व्यायाम चक्र सूचीबद्ध किए हैं जो नियमित उपयोग के लिए उपयुक्त हैं और किसी भी फिटनेस उत्साही के लिए एकदम सही हैं जो उन अतिरिक्त कैलोरी को पेडल और बर्न करना पसंद करते हैं।

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1. Proline Fitness 335L Recumbent Bike for Home Gym होम जिम के लिए प्रोलाइन फिटनेस 335L लेटा हुआ बाइक
Proline Fitness is one of the top premium fitness equipment brands in India and the Fitness 335 L recumbent exercise cycle does live up to the promise.
This recumbent bike is actually suitable for those who wanted to set up their own home gym.

There is a 6 functions computer on the front handles where you can monitor all your workout statistics.
It has 5 kg flywheel and you can adjust the manual tension up to 8 levels using the knob provided under the handles.
The frame is made of durable steel and the build is ergonomically designed to provide good workout.
There is a height adjustable seat with comfortable back support.
You can also monitor your heart rate using the sensors provided on the hand grips.
Overall, this is the best exercise bike for your home gym without any doubt.
Main Features: मुख्य विशेषताएं
- 6 Default Exercise Functions
- Display: Time, Distance, Speed, Pulse
- Hand Pulse; Outer magnetic
- 8 level Manual Tension
- Flywheel: 5kg
- Comfortable Back Rest
- Wheels for easy transportation
- Operated by battery
- Max User Weight: 110 kg
- 1 Year Warranty
2. Dolphy Exercise Spinning Bike for Home Gym होम जिम के लिए डॉल्फ़ी व्यायाम कताई बाइक
Dolphy is another premium brand that is known for making highly durable gym bikes with the amazing build quality.
Best Exercise Cycle Home indoor cardio in India एक्सरसाइज़ साइकिल 2022
It comes in a red and black combination. There is a smart release braking system that is extremely beneficial for senior people who can hurt themselves accidentally.
The adjustable paddle straps can be a good fit for users with any size.
The seat is also adjustable based on your height and comfort levels.
Main Features: मुख्य विशेषताएं
- Handlebars are Adjustable;
- Tablet Holder & Bottle Holder
- Height & Position Adjustable Seating
- Resistance Control Knob
- Superior Braking System
- Quiet Belt Driving System
- Flywheel: 10 Kg
- Transportation Wheels
- Max User Weight: 180 kg
- 1 Year Warranty
Check Price on AmazonSimilar Model
Best Exercise Cycle for Home Gym [under 15000]
3.Cockatoo CFB-01 Smart Series Fan Bike कॉकटू सीएफबी-01 स्मार्ट सीरीज फैन बाइक
If you’re looking for a 2-in-1 elliptical trainer that helps workout your overall body, then this is just for you.
Cockatoo is another popular brand that makes premium stationary bikes at attractive prices.

The Cockatoo CFB-01 comes with moving handles that help with upper body exercise while the pedals work your lower body muscles.
You can monitor all your workout information on the LCD monitor.
Thanks to the mesh belt transmission mechanism coupled with magnetic resistance, you’ll find that the exercise cycle doesn’t make much noise while you’re cycling.
And, in addition to that, the 17 inch fan alongside the wheel creates more air resistance to provide a better workout experience.
Main Features: मुख्य विशेषताएं
- Moving Handles
- LCD Monitor
- Height Adjustable Seat
- Knob to adjust Resistance & Workout Intensity
- Flywheel: 1.44KGS
- Premium Build Quality (SS Frame)
- Anti-Skid Floor Grips
- SS Wheel with 17” Fan
- Max User Weight: 110 kg
- 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty
4.Kobo Magnetic Exercise Bike for Home Gym होम जिम के लिए कोबो चुंबकीय व्यायाम बाइक
Kobo is another popular fitness equipment brand in India and this Magnetic exercise bike is one of their best products.

It comes with a two-way inner magnetic system coupled with a 4kg flywheel for maximum resistance.
There are fixed handles with padded grips that are placed ergonomically. You can also adjust them if you need to.
You also have an 8-level adjustable resistance knob that is provided on the front side.
The bike comes with vertical seat adjustment and anti-skid floor grip support.
Main Features: मुख्य विशेषताएं
- Lightweight and compact size
- Adjustable seat and handles
- 8 level resistance knob
- Flywheel: 4 kgs (Magnetic)
- Max weight: 120 kgs
- 3 months
Best Stationary Bike [under 10000]
5.Cockatoo CXB-03 Smart Series X-Exercise Bike कॉकटू सीएक्सबी-03 स्मार्ट सीरीज एक्स-व्यायाम बाइक
If you’re looking for the best exercise cycle under the 10K price range, then the first product that we recommend is the Cockatoo X-Exercise bike.
It comes in an easy-to-fold design that collapses for easy storage in your home.
The bike has a height-adjustable seat along with a backrest, which is good for those with back pain issues or senior people.
There is a resistance control option using which you can set manual tension up to 8 levels based on your workout intensity choice.
The LCD monitor displays all your activity information like time, speed, distance, and burnt calories on the stationary cycle.
Main Features: मुख्य विशेषताएं
- Height Adjustable Seat with Cushioning
- Back Rest
- Easily Folded for Storage
- Hand Rest Table with Soft Cushion
- 8 Level Manual Resistance (Knob)
- Flywheel: 1.4 Kg
- Two-way Bearing for Smooth Rotation
- 110 Kgs User Weight Supported
- 1 Year Seller Warranty
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6.Healthex Unisex Exercise Cycle for Home घर के लिए हेल्थेक्स यूनिसेक्स व्यायाम चक्र
This is another good quality indoor exercise cycle with moving handles and back support.
It is a pretty good bike, especially for seniors and people with back pain issues.
And, those looking for a full-body workout can get this cycle as the handles move backward and forward to provide a good upper body workout while the pedals provide an amazing leg workout.
This Healthtex exercise bicycle comes with good floor grip support and doesn’t shake so easily while you’re exercising.
The large fan wheel provides additional resistance to your workouts.
Main Features: मुख्य विशेषताएं
- Good for full body workout
- Adjustable seat with back support
- Digital display for statistics
- Flywheel: 3 kgs
- Max weight: 130 Kgs
- 6 months warranty
Check Price on Amazon
Another similar model named ‘Healthex HX100 Gym Bike’ comes with a Twister for slimming your sides. And, if you don’t want a backrest, then you go for the Healthex Air Bike 1001 which is almost 1K less than the above Unisex cyle.
7.Body Gym Exercise Bike with Back Support बैक सपोर्ट के साथ बॉडी जिम एक्सरसाइज बाइक
Body Gym is another brand that is known for its budget-friendly fitness equipment in India.

This manual resistance exercise cycle comes with an adjustable seat and back support.
You also have dual action moving handles that gives you a good workout for your arms and upper body.
There is a digital display that shows you up to 5 metrics time traveled, distance, calories burned, pulse rate, and speed.
The maximum weight the cycle can handle is up to 90 kg. So, it is not for heavyweight persons.
Main Features: मुख्य विशेषताएं
- Resistance adjustment knob
- Height adjustment of the seat is possible
- Comes with a backrest
- Moving handles for upper body workout
- Flywheel: 1.4 kgs
- Max Weight: 90 kgs
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Best Exercise Cycle Home indoor cardio in India एक्सरसाइज़ साइकिल 2022