9 Best Face Creams Moisturizers For Men फेस क्रीम मॉइस्चराइज़र Healthier Skin 2022
Natural Organic Fast-Absorbing Face Lotion Hyaluronic Acid, Green Tea for every skin type, from dry and flaky,
While the market has always heavily favoured skincare products for most women, the focus on men has dramatically increased over the past several years – and with good reason. More and more men are starting to work a daily moisturizer or face cream into their skincare routine.
Some of the best face creams for men will help not only make you look youthful and perhaps a few years younger, but they also will contain key ingredients that will moisturize your face along with SPF protection from the sun. This combination of ingredients will be extraordinarily helpful in decreasing the likelihood of crow’s feet and other aging signs appearing earlier in your lifetime – therefore it’s important for all men to take care of their skin properly.
Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi For Men Review 2022
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9 Best Face Creams Moisturizers For Men बेस्ट फेस क्रीम मॉइस्चराइज़र 2022
जबकि बाजार ने हमेशा ज्यादातर महिलाओं के लिए त्वचा देखभाल उत्पादों का समर्थन किया है, पिछले कई वर्षों में पुरुषों पर ध्यान नाटकीय रूप से बढ़ा है – और अच्छे कारण के साथ। अधिक से अधिक पुरुष अपने स्किनकेयर रूटीन में दैनिक मॉइस्चराइजर या फेस क्रीम पर काम करना शुरू कर रहे हैं।
पुरुषों के लिए कुछ बेहतरीन फेस क्रीम न केवल आपको युवा और शायद कुछ साल छोटे दिखने में मदद करेंगी, बल्कि उनमें ऐसे प्रमुख तत्व भी होंगे जो धूप से एसपीएफ़ सुरक्षा के साथ-साथ आपके चेहरे को मॉइस्चराइज़ करेंगे। अवयवों का यह संयोजन कौवा के पैरों और आपके जीवनकाल में पहले दिखाई देने वाले अन्य उम्र बढ़ने के संकेतों की संभावना को कम करने में असाधारण रूप से सहायक होगा – इसलिए सभी पुरुषों के लिए अपनी त्वचा की ठीक से देखभाल करना महत्वपूर्ण है।
प्रदूषण, अशुद्धता और सनटेन की वजह से आपकी त्वचा की टोन सुस्त हो जाती है| त्वचा की देखभाल के लिए त्वचा को पोषण और कायाकल्प की जरूरत होती है। पुरुषों की त्वचा की बनावट अपेक्षाकृत कठोर होती है। इसलिए उन्हें अपनी त्वचा को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए ज्यादा देखभाल की जरूरत होती है। कुछ गोरेपन की क्रीमों में सफेदी वाले एजेंट और ब्लीचिंग के गुण होते हैं जो आपकी त्वचा से सनटेन और अशुद्धियां हटा देते हैं। यहां हम पुरुषों के लिए 10 त्वचा की गोरेपन की फेस क्रीम के बारे में बता रहे हैं जिन्हें आप खरीद सकते हैं:
पुरुषों की 9 बेस्ट गोरेपन की क्रीम (Men Skin Whitening Creams in Hindi)

गार्नियर मेन ऑयल क्लियर: ऑयल कंट्रोल फेयरनेस क्रीम
यह गार्नियर मेन ऑयल क्लियर क्रीम त्वचा में अतिरिक्त तेल के उत्पादन को रोकती है। यह आपकी त्वचा के रंग को हल्का करता है और कील-मुहांसों की वृद्धि को रोकता है। इसमें नींबू का अर्क भी शामिल है।
पक्ष में:
यह आपकी त्वचा को हल्का करता है|
आपकी त्वचा की प्राकृतिक चमक को बरकरार रखता है|
यह त्वचा की गुणवत्ता में सुधार करता है|
तैलीय त्वचा के लिए यह एक उपयुक्त संयोजन है|
विपक्ष में
यह ज्यादा लंबे समय तक तेल के उत्पादन को नियंत्रित नहीं करता|
यह चमत्कारी रूप से गोरापन नहीं देता||
निविया फॉर मेन वाइटनिंग 10X आयल कण्ट्रोल मॉइस्चराइज़र
इस क्रीम में व्हाइटनैट वीटा कॉम्प्लेक्स प्लस होता है जो एक गोरेपन का फार्मूला है जिसमें 10 तरह के पोषक तत्व होते हैं। यह 12 घंटे तक अतिरिक्त तेल के उत्पादन को नियंत्रित करता है और बैक्टीरिया के कारण होने वाले मुँहासों को दूर रखता है।
पक्ष में:
- एकदम हलकी बनावट
- मुहांसों की वृद्धि को नियंत्रित करे
- अतिरिक्त तेल के उत्पादन को नियंत्रित करे
- गहरे दाग-धब्बे हटाए
- सुखद सुगंध वाला
विपक्ष में
गर्मियों के दौरान तैलीय त्वचा के लिए सही नहीं है|

निविया मेन डार्क स्पॉट रिडक्शन क्रीम
इस क्रीम में यू.वी. फिल्टर और लाइसोरिस अर्क होता है जो आपके चेहरे के काले धब्बे कम करता है। यह एक गोरेपन की गैर-चिकनी क्रीम है जो त्वचा पर अच्छी तरह से फैल जाती है।
पक्ष में
- त्वचा की टोन सुधारे
- सुखद सुगंध युक्त
- त्वचा में आसानी से अवशोषित हो
- त्वचा को हर समय हाइड्रेटेड रखे
- त्वचा को सूक्ष्म और मुलायम बनाए
विपक्ष में
इसे परिणाम दिखाने में लगभग एक सप्ताह का समय लगता है|
What Is Your Skin Type?
By and large men fall into 4 primary buckets when it comes to their skin:

- Sensitive: Whether you are doing your daily shave routine with your favourite cartridge razor or double edge safety razor of choice, or simply are susceptible to irritation by simply applying just a little bit of aftershave, it’s critical that you get a face cream that doesn’t have ingredients that may cause prolonged irritation. Therefore in our chart below, we outline a few face creams geared toward men with sensitive skin that also are noticeably absent of harsh chemicals.
- Oily: Now if you have oily skin, it’s critical that you don’t purchase a face cream that is using natural oils as its base. Doing so will make your face look incredibly shiny which will likely not be the results you are going for. Instead what you want to select is a face cream that lends itself to being a bit more ‘dry’ and compliments your oily skin in order to give you a more even-toned look.
Top 10 Himalaya Face Creams and Moisturizers in India …2021
- Dry: Contrary to oily skin that requires more of a dryer cream, if you have dry and/or flaking skin then a face cream that is loaded with complimentary moisturizing agents should be on your list of considerations. The hydrating properties of quality face cream will help to not only reduce flaking but also fill in hairline wrinkles that may be starting to form.
- Normal: If your skin seems somewhere in the middle between dry and oily and isn’t too terribly sensitive to products, it will be best to use a face cream that is considered more moderate on both ends of the spectrum. Therefore you will want to consider the ones we listed below that strike this delicate balance.
Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream for Dry, Sensitive Skin
If there is one product that we see time and time again regularly recommended by dermatologists its going to be Cetaphil. With is an extremely gentle formula, their moisturizing cream is great for men that have either sensitive or dry skin.
With the absence of abrasive fragrances, this face cream should be great for giving your face the much-needed hydration it deserves in order to maintain your youthful look. Being that this is such a gentle formula for your face, one noticeably absent feature from this product is the inclusion of any added sun protection.
- Gentle formula
- Great everyday moisturizer
- Fragrance-free
- No SPF protection
What You Need To Know
This is a terrific face cream for men with severely sensitive or dry skin. It’s also incredibly affordable as well. BUY NOW
Dove Men+Care Face Lotion
When it comes to affordable skin care products that deliver adequate quality – there is no denying that Dove does a terrific job at filling this void. Found in either your neighbourhood drug store or big-box retailer, the Dove Men+Care face lotion is an effective product that gets your face well moisturized for a competitive price.
Specifically, this scented face lotion is extremely lightweight and should be a great beginner’s oil for men with normal to oily skin. Given that there is a fragrance within the cream if you have sensitive skin, it’s recommended to check out alternative products like Cetaphil listed below.
- Contains SPF 15 protection
- Pump design makes for a no-mess application
- Available everywhere
- May not work well for men with sensitive skin
What You Need To Know
This is great if you are on a shoestring budget but want to take care of your skin. The added SPF protection is a nice touch. BUY NOW
ELEMIS Daily Moisture Boost Hydrating Day Lotion for Men
Packed with several natural ingredients including a green tamanu oil that helps to both cure wounds and promotes the growth of healthy skin (source), this moisturizer by Elemis should prove effective in keeping your face looking great.
But first and foremost this isn’t an anti-ageing regimen, instead, Elemis is intended to be a moisturizer that you can apply daily (specifically after shaving – just don’t forget to use an aftershave balm as well!).
Notably, this facial cream does include a fragrance which will make it not suitable for men with severely sensitive skin. Lastly, this is a general-use moisturizer that should work for most men, however, men with dry skin seem to reap the most benefits from this product.
- Largely natural ingredient list
- Helps to tone skin
- Works on all skin types
- Expensive
What You Need To Know
A terrific moisturizer for men with dry skin. It does include a fragrance and doesn’t offer any additional protection from the sun. BUY NOW
Best Value Face Cream: Neutrogena Men Triple Protect Face Lotion with SPF 20
Primarily geared towards men with normal skin, this face lotion by Neutrogena has been designed to be a multi-use cream that goes well beyond just being a general moisturizer for your face. Specifically, this face cream is meant to be used for men who experience general irritation after their morning shave routine.
However, should you be constantly fighting off general skin irritation then you likely should switch out your razor blade to a double-edge safety razor and use an aftershave balm?
This face cream also is designed to provide a protective barrier from the sun with its SPF 20 rating (among the highest SPF ratings that we reviewed with exception of the Jack Black moisturizer). One caveat about this face lotion is that it contains several ingredients that should be avoided by men with sensitive skin – most notably you will find parabens, fragrance, and alcohol included in the bottle.
- Cheaper than most
- Moisturizes and calms skin after shaving
- Includes SPF
- Contains suspect ingredients
What You Need To Know
This is a widely accessible face cream that should serve men with normal skin types. BUY NOW
No7 Men Protect & Perfect Intense Moisturizer SPF15
This moisturizer from No7 is a hypo-allergenic moisturizer that is going to be perfect for men that are somewhere in the spectrum of having generally dry to normal skin. Its incredibly light properties will do a terrific job at keeping your skin well moisturized throughout the course of the day.
In addition to being a general moisturizer, this also contains dimethicone which should do a great job at hydrating your skin and ultimately leave behind more of a matte finish.
Beyond its moisturizing abilities, No7 by Boots is an anti-ageing serum and also includes protection from the sun at an SPF 15 rating.
- The anti-ageing formula reduces fine lines
- Contains SPF protection
- Hypo-allergenic
- Hard to find
What You Need To Know
Great for men with normal to dryer skin – includes sun protection and anti-ageing properties. BUY NOW
Task Essential O2 Active Moisturizer
Crafted in the beautiful country of Switzerland comes this well-balanced face moisturizer for men.
Best suited for men with normal skin, this face cream includes apricot oil along with both papaya and algae extracts. One noticeable difference between this face cream when compared to some of the market leaders is that it will provide a mattifying effect that shouldn’t leave your face looking shiny after application.
However, contrary to its mattifying properties, since this face cream does include apricot oil, it shouldn’t be used at all for men who tend to carry a bit more oils on their faces.
- Helps to mattify skin appearance
- Small travel and gym-friendly size
- Provides deep moisture for your skin
- Rather pricey for the size
What You Need To Know
This is a well-balanced face cream that is best for men with normal skin. It does include parabens and fragrance – therefore shouldn’t be used by men with sensitive skin. BUY NOW
NutriGenesis Multi for Women Performance Lab 2022

चेहरे के लिए सबसे अच्छी क्रीम कौन सी है men?
त्वचा के लिए सबसे अच्छी क्रीम के नाम – Best Creams for Face in Hindi
- निविया सॉफ्ट लाइट मॉइस्चराइजर …
- लैक्मे एब्सोल्यूट परफेक्ट रेडियंस ब्राइटनिंग डे क्रीम विद सनस्क्रीन …
- निविया क्रीम …
- हिमालया हर्बल रिवाइटलाइजिंग नाइट क्रीम …
- वाओ स्किन साइंस एंटी एजिंग नाइट क्रीम
सबसे अच्छा मॉइश्चराइजर कौन सा है? ड्राई स्किन के लिए बेस्ट मॉइश्चराइजर
- ओले मॉइश्चराइजिंग स्किन क्रीम यह क्रीम थोड़ा-सा गाढ़ा है लेकिन त्वचा में जल्दी ही और अच्छी तरह से एब्जॉर्ब हो जाता है. …
- द बॉडी शॉप विटामिन ई इंटेंस मॉइस्चर क्रीम …
- VLCC आमंड नरिशिंग बॉडी लोशन …
- गार्नियर इंटेंसिव 7 डेज हाइड्रेटिंग लोशन
रंगे हुए मॉइस्चराइजर क्या है? मॉइस्चराइजर क्या होता है
कोई भी क्रीम, ऑयल या लोशन जो त्वचा के रूखेपन को कम करता हो या उसे नमी प्रदान करता हो मॉइस्चराइजर कहलाता है। शरीर में प्राकृतिक रूप से सीबम स्रावित होता है जो कि स्किन हाइड्रेट रखता है।
Which cream is best for man’s face?
Buying Guide
NIVEA MEN Dark Spot Reduction Creme | Rs 180 |
The Man Company Skin Brightening Cream Multani Mitti and Coco Butter | Rs 699 |
Pond’s Men Daily Defence SPF 30 | Rs 165 |
Ustraa Moisturising Cream For Dry Skin | Rs 350 |
Garnier Men Acno Fight Pimple Clearing Whitening Day Cream | Rs 165 |
What is the best men’s anti-ageing cream?
Best anti-ageing creams for men for younger-looking skin
- Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream For Men. …
- Dr. Dennis Gross Ferulic + Retinol Anti-Aging Moisturizer. …
- Biossance Squalane+ Omega Repair Cream. …
- Ole Henriksen C-Rush Brightening Double Crème. …
- Sisley Paris Sisleÿum For Men Anti-Age Global Revitalizer.
18 Best Face Creams For Women
- Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel. …
- Biotique Morning Nectar Flawless Skin Moisturizer. …
- Dot & Key 72 HR Hydrating Gel + Probiotics. …
- St. …
- Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream. …
- Clinique Moisture Surge 72-Hour Auto-Replenishing Hydrator. …
- Plum Chamomile & White Tea Sheer Matte Day Cream SPF 50.
Home remedies to get fair skin for men: Try these 5 effective tips to get a fair complexion
- Cleanse your skin with lemon and honey. Advertisement. …
- Scrub your skin with honey and coffee face scrub. …
- Use almond, sandalwood, neem leaf, and turmeric face pack. …
- Apply orange juice and turmeric paste. …
- Apply mashed papaya mask.
Tanned Stretch Marks – Non-Surgical Ways to Reduce 2022
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9 Best Face Creams Moisturizers For Men बेस्ट फेस क्रीम मॉइस्चराइज़र 2022